
Breaking News: Captain John Komba Pass Away

West Mbinga MP Hon. Captain John Komba has died today at 10 pm in the TMJ Hosptali Mikocheni.

Pursuant to the child by the late Mr. Jerry Komba said the death of her father, a consequence of diabetes in which he has claimed that sugar fell suddenly at his home in Dar es Salaam Mbezi Beach.

"It is truly an elder dies 50 minutes ago, he was at home sitting but sugar fell suddenly and a little later he died" said Jerry Komba child of the deceased.

The member secretary of Gasper Lord Hope said that the member was rushed to hospital where that death TMJ yamemkuta.

Moreover the Lord Gaspaer Hope added that the body of the deceased has been transferred to the Lugalo hosptali in
Dar es Salaam where the funeral schedule is not yet known.

Eatv imewatafuta information officer of the Office of the National Assembly Mwandumbya brother Owen, director of external affairs and public education master Jesse Mwakasyuka and Parliamentary Secretary Dr. Thomas Kashilila without success because they had not received a call
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