
MSHINDI WA BBA 2014 idriss aonyesha jumba lake na kuandika ujumbe mzito....tazama Jumba lake na usome ujumbe hapa-===>

I have seen thousands of people through my life time, got helped and expected to do alot in return, broken and crushed with no one to pick me up. I have struggled from ground level with all sorts of sayings like "you will never make it" to where i am now. 

I have shaken millions of hands not knowing who has good intentions with me. The world is for everyone who has a dream and a good will to it. The world is for all who want to change lives and make people smile. The world full of good hearted people is a dream. I stand today and say "my name is Idris Sultan and am not that special, that unique, that strong than most of you.

 I just dared to go for what i want, put my heart to it and here i am today. This is just the beginning. You're welcome to join." Ghalib Said Mohammed you're a man with a golden heart i will love to like you in a blink of an eye. Thank you for my new house" Idris

Mbinu Za Kumfikisha Kileleni Mwanamke Mwenye Makalio Makubwa Kwa Haraka: BONYZA HAP CHNI
During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip KUJUA SEHEMU 12 ZINAZOMPA RAHA MWNAMKE WAKATI WA TENDO BONYZA HAP CHNI
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